Roland's Campfire Culture Archives - 2009
(1st half)
January 6, 2009
Opportunity to Turn over a new leaf presents itself on a daily basis, not just yearly
January 13, 2009
My friend is an accomplished outdoorsman, but he has one glaring weakness: he's never been long on keeping outdoors secrets.
January 20, 2009
If there are hikers who think horsepacking is for the leisure class, all I can say is they haven't tried it.
January 27, 2009
Half the western red cedars along the trail had been used as scratching posts by an oversized tabby; an impressive display of territorial marking.
February 3, 2009
How could we explain to believing readers that we perished in an avalanche we didn't even suspect could happen?
February 10, 2009
If Shakespeare, Robespierre, and Chaucer couldn't package and deliver love so folks in the back of the bus didn't snicker behind their hands, how can we?
February 17, 2009
Once upon a time I borrowed spavined ponies and ragtag equipment and set out on untold journeys into the unknown. God knows how I survived. But I did.
February 24, 2009
there I was standing on our driveway's dwindling winter ice, enjoying the year's first balmy breeze, when overnight, that same driveway turned into a sludge pit.
March 3, 2009
So that's why our hunters can never find any elk--our damned horses keep running them out of the country!
March 10, 2009
But have you ever stood tongue-tied in front of a whole school auditorium filled with wildly wriggling seven-year-olds?
March 17, 2009
Spring officially arrives three days after Saint Paddy's Day. Especially fitting as it takes most of my Irish friends that long to get over their green-beer dyspepsia.
March 24, 2009
Back in the 60s and 70s I reserved my most biting sarcasm for anyone suggesting the microchip would prove as convulsive as the industrial revolution.
March 31
By far and away, the most blood-thirsty of all those wild denizens are Dermacentor andersoni, the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick.
Ticks, according to research, feed only a few times in their lives.
April 14, 2009 (VACATION - NO WEBLOG)
April 21, 2009 (VACATION - NO WEBLOG)
April 28, 2009
After a while even a gullible Yankee by way of Texas will get the idea we mean no and go some place he can make over into an image he can live with.
May 5, 2009
Her arms were folded, eyes shining with a little pride and a lot of love.
May 12, 2009
Bighorn lambs and wapiti calves aren't the only creatures wishing to gambol amid the frenzy of spring
May 19, 2009
The most important tactic in wildlife watching -- when you see something --mark the spot so it's easy to go back to
May 26. 2009
We've lived in the same house on the same plot of land for going onto 45 years which, I suppose, is no record. But it is a pretty fair average
June 2, 2009
The most important point in this post is that Jane and I seized the opportunity to visit places we'd not before visited
June 9, 2009
I haven't ran afoul of Smokey the Bear of late. In fact, there are quite a number I really do like. I just don't want my daughter to marry one
June 16, 2009
It must be spirit-breaking to preside over a downward spiraling program; all the more so when one has dedicated a life to it. Like the U.S. Forest Service
June 23, 2009
Pogo had it right when he said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us"
June 30, 2009
Today begins a sea-change in my Campfire Culture weblog